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Structured Products
Since 1971 Lowes has provided
Independent Financial Advice
to tens of thousands of people throughout the United Kingdom, this advice extends to a myriad of different services and investments and whilst we are renowned for our expertise in the field of structured products, this is just one area.
We define a Structured Product as: "An investment backed by a significant counterparty (or counterparties) where the returns are defined by reference to a defined underlying measurement (such as the
FTSE 100 index
) and delivered at a defined date (or dates)."
Since their first introduction into the
UK retail investment space
in the 1990s, Lowes has been reviewing and selectively recommending structured products. Having built a reputation by being the first to publicly warn about the less desirable elements of the sector before they became ‘bad apples’ and operating consumer and industry-facing websites dedicated to the investment sector for twenty years, Lowes is now recognised as one of the UK’s leading authorities in this field. As such, we are often the first point of contact for both consumer and trade press looking for unbiased and objective comments on all structured product matters.
In our efforts to achieve the best for our clients and the wider advice community, we have, helped shape the structured investment sector for better investor outcomes. Examples of our sector influence can be found in the 10:10 and 8:8 Plans, both of which were new sector innovations conceived by Lowes. These investments are utilised by hundreds of advisers across the UK.
Lowes produce the sector’s only annual maturity performance review and has published various reports detailing the evolution of the structured products sector. These reviews demonstrate Lowes own product selection and show that Lowes “Preferred” products have outperformed the sector at almost every turn.
To download a copy of the 2024 annual performance review, click here.
Building on our knowledge and product selection success we launched the Lowes UK Defined Strategy Fund in 2018. This innovative UCITS fund of structured investment strategies aims to deliver growth over the medium-to-long term.
StructuredProductReview.com is our dedicated research service for financial services professionals and boasts over 10,000 registrations. The service is utilised by other IFAs as a one-stop source of comprehensive information and education tools on structured products and is the primary structured product research tool for many firms.
Our consumer site, CompareStructuredProducts.com has evolved from our original website that served to warn investors away from the worst of the early iterations of the sector. It is used by those who wish to gain an insight into what the sector has to offer and those who are confident to invest without advice.
Lowes has produced a comprehensive guide to Structured Products which can be downloaded here.
Capital at risk.
The value of investments can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.
Disclosure of Lowes interest
Lowes has provided input into the concept, development, promotion and distribution of the 10:10 and 8:8 Plans. The provider’s charges/fees are built into the terms of the investments - Lowes has a commercial interest in the Plans as a result of its involvement in its development and promotion. All Plan returns are stated after allowing for these charges/fees. Where Lowes is involved in advice on or the intermediation of this investment to retail clients, it will not be paid any fee from Mariana for its input. The aim of developing Plans in cooperation with providers, with Lowes input, is that they should be amongst the best available in the market. Lowes has robust systems and controls in place to ensure that it manages any actual or potential conflicts of interest in its activities.
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