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"Say Hello to
Independent Financial Advice"


Lowes have been successfully managing people’s retirement planning throughout your working life and beyond. We know pensions are just a small part of a big picture, but one that plays an important role in your future wealth.

Pension Reforms and Investment Advice

From April 2015 the significant reforms surrounding withdrawing and inheriting pensions represent the biggest changes to impact pension legislation in over a century. Used appropriately, the new rules could make a significant difference to you, your beneficiaries and future generations of your family.

Often a pension fund is the largest investment an individual will have, yet without appropriate pension advice and planning, many people could outlive their savings. The new reforms put financial control in the hands of the retiree, but faced with more freedom of choice and lack of proper pension management, many people will struggle to make the right decisions.

Tailored Pension Investment Plan

When the big picture is taken into account, considering pension investment options, as well as the three main taxes, being Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax and Inheritance Tax, the right retirement income solution for one individual could prove comparatively disastrous for another and their beneficiaries.

Lowes can provide a full review of your existing pension arrangements taking into account your overall financial picture and will recommend the most appropriate course of action to ensure you gain the most from the pension legislation changes without making costly mistakes.

The value of pensions and the income they produce can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.

Request a Callback

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0191 281 8811

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