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Independent Financial Advice"
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Our Approach
At Lowes we pride ourselves on our
personal approach to financial planning,
enabling us to help clients with their goals to build, protect and ultimately pass on their wealth.
Independent Financial Advisers
we look across the whole investment space into alternatives, alongside traditional investments, with the aim of delivering attractive returns for clients whilst taking an appropriate level of risk.
The benefit of our dedicated in-house investment and research team means that the investment process is not driven by external set asset allocation, but by the investment team's own fund selection and asset parameters. Our team are constantly monitoring fund performance and executing research to deliver the best investment performance. Our long history in investments means that we have experienced different economic styles and recognise the importance of protecting client's money.
We are also one of the UK’s foremost experts in the investment field of structured products and have been analysing and collecting data on all such investments launched in the Independent Financial Advice space since the year 2000, inevitably utilising such investment, where appropriate in client portfolios.
Our holistic approach of assessing each aspect of a client’s financial life and researching across the whole of the market has enabled us to provide the highest quality of financial advice.
What's with the Logo?
Back in the early eighties it was decided that the Company needed a fresh corporate identity and have a symbol or logo that would identify and characterise our principles. After an extensive search by the founder of the company, Ken Lowes, he discovered The Feng.
The Feng is the Chinese equivalent of the Phoenix and perfectly symbolised what we were looking for at the time.
Definition of a Feng: “Of the four spiritual creatures that guarded the heavens in the ancient Chinese pantheon; the Dragon, the Unicorn, the Tortoise and the Feng; the Feng (Feng Huang) was the most exalted. Said to appear only when the land was at peace and thus not seen in war like times it brought with it great health and prosperity and was wished for by young and old alike.”

Evolution to a Crane.

In the mid-nineties, we sought to update our logo in order to develop our corporate identity even further. Whilst trying to keep the characteristics and principles the Feng represented, we decided to adopt a Crane motif which we still use today.
The evolution to a Crane as a basis of our logo further represents the values that we as a Company hold so dearly. A Crane shelters and safeguards its offspring within its all-encompassing wings and we believe we hold these same characteristics towards our clients in safeguarding their finances for them and future generations. The Crane also evokes independence and calm.
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