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Independent Financial Advice"
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Client Login
0191 281 8811
Client Login
Client Portal
Please click which service you would like to access below to be taken to the login page.
Various tools supported by Lowes are available below, for your convenience. Please note some of these services are not built by Lowes and so we cannot guarantee the quality of service if you choose to use these platforms.
Lowes Online Valuation Report
The improved Lowes Online platform gives clients the opportunity to view a valuation of their portfolio, please click the following link and login using the credentials you registered with:
Click here to access the Lowes Online Valuation Report
Please note:
If you have not already registered for the Lowes Online Valuation Report, please contact the administration team at Lowes Financial Management to enable registration. You can contact the admin team via email at admin@Lowes.co.uk or via the head office on telephone number 0191 281 8811.
SP-Perspective gives Lowes clients with Structured Product Investments access to online portfolio management software where you will gain a better perspective of your Structured Product portfolio. To access detailed performance and product information, please click the following link and login using the credentials you registered with:
For clients of Lowes with investments on the Aegon platform, please click the following link and login using the credentials you registered with (your client reference, date of birth and password):
Please note:
Lowes do not administer the Aegon Online Service, in the case of issues logging into your Aegon Dashboard please refer to the “Need help with signing in?” section by clicking here.
Personal Finance Portal
Please note: Not available for new registrations
Request a Callback
To arrange a free, no obligation consultation or a call back from your Adviser, please complete your details and we will get back to you at the earliest possible opportunity. Alternatively contact us via:
A member of our team will use the details you have provided to respond to your enquiry.
You can unsubscribe at any time by emailing enquiry@Lowes.co.uk or by clicking the 'unsubscribe' link at the bottom of each email. Full details of how we use and secure your personal information and how to update your marketing preferences can be viewed in our Privacy Policy.